Analysis Statements
- I learnt.....
- I wonder why....
- I don't understand....
- I was surprised...
- I already knew.....
- I noticed....
- I know the feeling...
- I can see a link to...
- I am not sure.....
- A question I have is.....
This is a good activity for homework as well as in class. For this the students watch or read a documentary and then complete the analysis statements reflecting n what they have just watched or read. The task is split into 3 parts:
1 - Terminology
Students are given a list of terms which they have to then define in the context of the text. These can be specialist terms or tier 3 language.
2 - Summary
Students have to summarise the article or documentary into a single paragraph that conveys the content and message of the article to someone who hasn't read or watched it.
3 - Analysis Statements
These are 10 sentence starters to get the students to consider their own views on what they have read. These can be used as sentence starters for discussion or speed dating.

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